Dear tute group please see the list of things to do for studio in Week 12
It is encouraging to see some interesting schemes develop over the last couple of weeks and the seriousness with which some of you have started to thinking of light and space, but more importantly of the design as a community of rooms. Here are is the MAP of where you should be at this stage
Narrative formed
Art selected
Site analysis complete
Scale drawing of the site complete
Initial plans (initial sequence of spaces, circulation, massing), sections (closed/open, connection between spaces, light conditions) and elevations (relation to context) at 1:100 scale
Initial Vignettes
A – Developed and drawn up plans sections and elevations 1:100
B – Working model 1: 200 showing massing and key compositional elements (and openings)
C – Matured Vignettes/ interior perspectives (See Blogposting which show the sequence of spaces, qualities of light and habitation (displays, work, rest, administration, break out space or courtyard, and entry)
D – Competently discuss/answer questions about light, space, and habitation in terms of
Display (paintings and sculpture)
Creative work (Workshop)
Commercial space (Shop/Office)
Rest (bed-sit apartment)
Gathering and celebrating (Living area )
E – Test the scheme in relation to the site and context – Photomontages/section/elevation/model
Week 12 studio will revolve around the RESOLUTION of design solutions. I will help with this. Hence, if you do not work hard now to transcribe/explore/develop design ideas and sketches (to scale) developed by you or in collaboration with the tutor, you will find Week 12 a waste of time.
If for some reason you have made no progress in terms of your scheme in Week 11 my advice is to a) Recycle some of the ideas from Project 2 and develop them b) Base your project on one of the case studies. This background work COMPULSORY – please do not come expecting the tutor to provide you with a design solution on the spot!!
The conditions about the amount of work; format; and scale same as in Week 11